Friday, August 3, 2012

Let the countdown begin!

Most of you probably already know in exactly one month I move to Brussels, Belgium to attend graduate school. I was inspired by a friend to start this blog to keep family and friends updated about my new life since I'll be so far away and won't see most of you for awhile. :( I want to take this opportunity to encourage all my loved ones to keep in contact via Skype, email, FB, text, smoke signals whatever! Name a social networking site or technology and I probably have it (I'm a tech junkie) so please don't hesitate to contact me for a welcome chat with a loved one from home. I'm always available via email but otherwise the time difference from PST is 9 hrs. I have made a personal commitment to try to set up Skype (Facetime) dates with friends a family once a week at minimum but please feel free to do the same!

Now all the mushy lovey stuff is done here's a quick breakdown of whats going on!

  • Booked a flight in April with Virgin Atlantic (my fav airline btw) for DIRT CHEAP! I leave from SFO on September 3 at 8pm.
  • After a painstaking expensive process that involved fingerprinting, tax records,FBI background check and vaccinations I have received my student Visa allowing me to live, work and study in Belgium for 1 calender year! I danced around the kitchen when it arrived I was so happy! Pic below :-)
  • Sold all my furniture, kitchen items etc...  from my old apartments
  • I have accepted my offer (completed all the paperwork) from the University and will register for classes soon. More on that when I complete registration but I have already mapped out my classes
  • Set up financial aid
  •  I have read 2 of the text recommended on the suggested pre-reading list for my courses
  •  I have connected with more than 30 future classmates already via facebook.
  • Set up drink dates with 3 friends that live in Europe
  • bought a beautiful new luggage set for an unbelievable price 
  • My brother and his girlfriend bought me a passport cover as a good bye gift ( I know sweet right!)
I could go on but I think you get the idea, I'm over prepared! But as my mom loves to say "fail to plan, plan to fail". Yes mom occasionally I listen :)

The one thing left on my list and the one currently causing me tons of anxiety is housing. No student housing is provided and I cant seem to find an apartment. Renting a private apartment in a foreign country in a city you've never been to is exactly as hard as it sounds! :(  At this point I may book a hotel for a few nights and find a place once I arrive. That's what is recommended by the University as well as current and former students. OK enough of my droning on and on below are some pics ofmy preparations so far!

My Visa! its soooooo pretty!

My new luggage set. Nice right?

My itunes gift card that I saved so I can download some music and a movie for my flight!

My flight kit. Slippers and a travel pillow for my loooooooooong flight!

Adapter kit form apple for my ipad, macbook and iphone.Thank you Ebay!
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
